Zoom level of maps points on bulk add?

  • Last Post 21 November 2015
jeffm posted this 20 November 2015

How can I control the zoom level for map points when I use the bulk add tool, my map zooms fine but when I click on a map point it goes to a zoom level of 6. Is there a default zoom level for the map points, currently I am editing each point individually after importing. Thank You!!

Admin posted this 21 November 2015

The "Bulk Add" tool has a default zoom level of 16.

However, you can add a column on your Excel data file. The heading for the column need to be "ZoomLevel" and the value has to be a number between 6 and 21.

That will give you more freedom to set the zoom level you want for each map point. Remember that the higher the number (lets say 18), the closer it is to map. In other words closer to street level. Any number below 6 is not recommended. As a matter of fact if you select a number below 6 the system will set it to 6.
